
Who Moderates the moderators?

As groups grow, so do their moderation problems. We're all busy people who don't have time to monitor groups 24/7. Moderators are asleep, and some jerk comes in and starts spamming all over the place? Moderators broke the rules? Who Moderates the moderators? Often users dispute moderation actions by admins and have no recourse.

Susie enables crowd-sourced moderation using Reality.eth and Kleros.

When users are reported, a question is created on Reality.Eth asking 'did the user break the rules?'. The question can be answered yes/no with a bond (5 DAI). Successful reports result in penalties (1 day ban, 1 week ban, 1 year ban).

Answers to reports can be disputed, creating a case in the Kleros court.

User Commands

/report Reply to a message to report it

/getreports Returns active reports

/getreports <reply to user> Returns reports history for user

Last updated